Test Certificate OCR

Easily extract data from Test Certificates and automate workflows with Pixl AI-powered Test Certificate OCR

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What Is Test Certificate OCR?

Test certificate OCR is a technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to extract data from test certificates. Test certificates are records that document the results of tests performed on products, materials, or processes to ensure that they meet quality and safety standards.

Our advanced Test Certificate OCR Solution uses the latest OCR technology to transform how you manage test certificate data. This solution allows you to easily collect, understand, and use information from test certificates across various industries, such as manufacturing, construction, healthcare, and Logistics.


Our Promising Clients

We value them since we believe they are the foundation and adds success to our business.

DhanLaxmi Bank
South Indian Bank
LuLu Forex
CSB Bank
Muthoot Finance
Indel Money
Canera Bank
Macom Innovate to exel
Muthoot Capital Services Limited
Omnex systems
Renault Nissan

Key benefits

Multiple export types

export test certificate data in a variety of formats, including PDF, Excel, CSV, and JSON

Enhanced security

enhance the security of test certificate data by encrypting it in transit and storage

Enhanced research and development

enhance research and development efforts by making it easier to analyze large volumes of test certificate data

Enhanced customer service

improve their customer service by making it easier to access and retrieve test certificate data

Competitive advantage

give businesses a competitive advantage by helping them to improve their efficiency, accuracy, compliance, and security.

Reduced fraud and counterfeiting

reduce fraud and counterfeiting by making it easier to verify the authenticity of test certificates.

Improved traceability

improve the traceability of test certificates and the products they relate to. This can be useful for product recalls, quality control, and troubleshooting.

Improved auditability

improve the audibility of test certificate data by creating a digital record of all changes and updates

Use Cases for Test Certificate OCR

Manufacturing industry

Automate the process of extracting data from test certificates for incoming raw materials. This helps the company to ensure that the materials meet its quality standards before they are used in production.

Construction industry

automate the process of extracting data from test certificates for concrete samples. This helps the company to ensure that the concrete meets building codes and safety standards before it is used in construction projects.

Healthcare industry

automate the process of extracting data from test certificates for patients. This helps the provider to improve patient care by making it easier to track and analyze test results.

Logistics industry

automate the process of extracting data from test certificates for incoming shipments. This helps the company to ensure that the shipments meet its quality standards before they are delivered to customers.

Key Features of Pixl Test Certificate OCR API


Cloud-based or on-premise deployment

Deploy our OCR solutions in the cloud for easy access and management from anywhere in the world. Or host and manage resources on-premises, within your own IT infrastructure


AI-powered insights

Use artificial intelligence to extract insights from test certificate data help to get more information from a test certificate


Multi-language support

Our OCR solutions support a wide range of languages, making them ideal for businesses that operate globally


Smooth Integration

Test OCR solutions can be integrated with other business systems, such as CRM and ERP systems, to simplify workflows and improve data visibility.



Test OCR solutions can be customized to meet the specific needs of each business, including the ability to extract data from custom test certificate formats.



Test OCR solutions can facilitate collaboration between different teams and departments within a business, making it easier to share and analyze test certificate data.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, our Certificate OCR Solution can extract data from handwritten test certificates with high accuracy. It does this by using a combination of AI and machine learning techniques to recognize and transcribe handwritten characters.

we offer a variety of support options for Test Certificate OCR Solution, including email support & phone support

Yes, you can try PiXL Test Certificate OCR Solution before you buy it by signing up for a free trial. The free trial gives you access to all of the features of PiXL Test Certificate OCR Solution for a limited period of time.