Verify Yourself in Seconds with the Non-Assisted KYC Verification

KYC verification has become an important part of financial institutions' due diligence process to prevent money laundering and other illicit activities. The process of KYC verification can be undertaken in two ways: assisted and non-assisted KYC verification. Assisted KYC verification is conducted with the help of a customer service representative, while non-assisted KYC verification is conducted through an automated system without any human interaction.

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Keep your Business on Track with this User-Friendly Dashboard

When you initiate a verification check with a customer, you can view the progress in the dashboard. This will help ensure that the process is going smoothly and that the customer is receiving the verification check as quickly as possible. With all of the heavy lifting done by our AI engine to verify the customer, the Agents (maker and checker) can focus on results and not on the process. This frees up their time to provide a better experience for their customers. By automating the process, customers are happier because they know that they're getting a quality product and they're not dealing with a human being.

UnAssisted Video KYC Process

non assisted KYC non assisted KYC
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How does this work?

The success of any business depends on capturing accurate and complete information about its customers. We provide you with a platform where you can capture images and videos of your customers' IDs in order to verify their identities.

Verify important documents in real-time and without any hassle!

When you initiate a verification check with a customer, you can view the progress in the dashboard. This will help ensure that the process is going smoothly and that the customer is receiving the verification check as quickly as possible.

No more paperwork is needed for KYC verification!

The rapid growth of the digital world has made it increasingly difficult for businesses to verify the accuracy of documents. This is especially true in the era of real-time transactions, where time-sensitive information must be verified quickly and accurately.

Make Compliance Easier with Seamless UnAssisted Video KYC Solution

You can view all of the checks in your dashboard once the customer has completed the verification steps. This way, you can keep track of which checks have been completed and which ones need more attention. You can accept or decline two-level maker-checker approval requests. You have a full PDF folio of all the KYC details which can be stored as a single version of KYC for all compliance needs. This means you will only need to input the details once, and they will be automatically updated across all your platforms. This is great news if you are a small business that wants to comply with new regulations quickly and easily.

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The future of identity verification is here!

simple to setup API


Digital identity is an increasingly important part of our lives and businesses. It allows us to access our information, interact with the outside world, and conduct transactions online. We need senior leadership to buy into the importance of digital identity and ensure that their employees are using digital identities properly. Security and business service lines are an important intersection for organizations to focus on.

Expert Solution for Video KYC


As a business, it is important to keep your customers happy. Many other organizations offer similar services, but what sets Pixl apart is their customer service. Understanding the needs of your customers and catering to them is the key to success. Here are some ways that you can improve your customer service: Provide efficient customer service. Keep your customers informed of what is happening and always aim to resolve their issues as quickly as possible.

More Affordable than Traditional KYC Process


The financial industry is constantly evolving and changing. This means that the processes involved need to be seamlessly integrated across the whole financial organization's operations and its objectives, in support of an enhanced user experience. This integration should be done in a way that supports an overall goal, such as enhancing customer service or increasing efficiency.