Nesl eBank Guarantee (e-BG) API for India

Electronic Bank Guarantee (eBG) solutions (future of banking) The days of waiting for 3-4 working days for issuance and delivery of BG are over. Our e-BG solution eliminates the need for physical documentation, reducing the turn-around time to just a few minutes.

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Pixl Digital Electronic Bank Guarantee Software

Our streamlined digital process includes bank guarantee application, preview, and confirmation, paperless e-stamping, e-signing, hosting of the final electronic bank guarantee on the NeSL portal, and intimation of the final BG to the beneficiary. With our e-BG solution, the beneficiary can view the final digital BG on the NeSL portal immediately upon issuance, without the need for a separate authentication from the BG issuing bank.At Pixl, we provide futuristic e-bank guarantee solutions that cater to the needs of businesses of all sizes. Our solution is designed to be fast, reliable, and secure, ensuring that our clients can focus on their core business activities without worrying about the complexities of traditional BG issuance.

Advantages of Pixl e-BG Platform for banks



This would make it easy for banks to start using your software and begin issuing e-BGs quickly and easily.

electronic bank guarantee


eBG eliminates the need for physical documentation and can reduce the turn-around time for BG issuance and delivery to just a few minutes, compared to the traditional 3-4 working days.

 digital bank guarantee


eBG solutions provide a range of digital steps, including BG application, preview, and confirmation, paperless e-stamping, e-signing, hosting the final electronic BG on the NeSL portal, and intimation of the final BG to the beneficiary.

e-BG for banks


By eliminating the need for physical documentation and reducing the turn-around time for BG issuance, e-BG solutions can significantly reduce operational costs for banks and their customers.

electronic bank guarantee


With faster and more efficient BG issuance, banks can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to increased business and revenue.

RBI mandate for e-BG


eBG solutions use advanced security protocols to protect against fraud and unauthorized access, ensuring that transactions are safe and secure.

e-BG for banks


With electronic hosting of the final BG on the NeSL portal, beneficiaries can view the final digital BG immediately upon issuance, without the need for a separate authentication from the BG issuing bank.


This is essential for banks, as they need to be able to trust that their customers will receive their bank guarantees safely and securely.

 digital bank guarantee


This is a major benefit for both banks and their customers, as it can significantly reduce the time it takes to issue and receive e-BGs

RBI mandate for e-BG

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has mandated that all banks must implement electronic bank guarantees (e-BGs) by December 31, 2023. This mandate is aimed at streamlining the e-BG issuance process, reducing costs, and improving efficiency. e-BGs offer several benefits over traditional paper-based BGs, including

Reduced costs

e-BGs eliminate the need for physical stamping and other manual tasks, which can save banks a significant amount of money.

Increased efficiency

e-BGs eliminate the need for physical stamping and other manual tasks, which can save banks a significant amount of money.

Improved security

e-BGs use digital signatures and other security features to reduce the risk of fraud.


BGs can be issued and received electronically, which is more convenient for banks and their customers.

Security and Privacy

Rest easy knowing that your handwritten data remains secure and private throughout the entire conversion process.

How to comply with the RBI mandate

To adhere to the RBI's directive on electronic Bank Guarantees (e-BGs), financial institutions can seamlessly meet compliance requirements by adopting user-friendly e-BG software. These solutions offer a straightforward integration process, allowing banks to connect easily with NeSL, the designated e-BG platform the Reserve Bank of India endorsed. This integration not only ensures compliance but also streamlines the overall process, making it more efficient for both the banking institutions and their clients. The simplified nature of these plug-and-play solutions underscores a commitment to modernizing banking practices in line with regulatory mandates.

 e-BG for banks

Benefits of using Plug-and-Play Digital Bank Guarantee

e-BG offers several benefits to banks, including:

Plug-and-play e-BG soEasy integration with NeSL

software solutions are easy to integrate with NeSL, even for banks with limited IT resources.

Reduced costs

Our software can help banks reduce the costs of issuing e-BGs by eliminating the need for physical stamping and other manual tasks. It can also help banks to reduce the risk of fraud by using digital signatures and other security features

Improved efficiency

Pixl software can help banks increase the efficiency of their e-BG issuance process by automating many of the manual tasks involved. This can free up bank staff to focus on other tasks, such as serving customers.

Reduced risk of fraud

Plug-and-play e-BG software solutions use digital signatures and other security features to reduce the risk of fraud.

How To Implement Nesl E-Bg For BanksFollow The Step-By-Step Guide For Pixl E-BG

Understanding NeSL terms and conditions

Begin by thoroughly reviewing and understanding the terms and conditions set forth by NeSL for the implementation of their e-BG platform. Ensure that your E-BG provider, Pixl, is fully compliant with NeSL's guidelines.

Technical Integration Assessment

Conduct a comprehensive technical assessment of Pixl's e-BG software to ensure it aligns seamlessly with NeSL's infrastructure. Identify any technical requirements or specifications outlined by NeSL and make the necessary adjustments to Pixl's system.

Collaboration with NeSL

Establish open lines of communication with NeSL to facilitate a collaborative approach to integration. Clarify any ambiguities in the implementation process and seek guidance on best practices to enhance compatibility.

Data Security Measures

Prioritize data security by implementing robust measures to safeguard sensitive information exchanged during the e-BG process. Align Pixl's security protocols with NeSL's standards to guarantee a secure and trustworthy environment.

User Training and Support

Provide comprehensive training for bank personnel who will be using the integrated e-BG solution. Ensure that the training covers all aspects of the software, including its features, functionalities, and compliance requirements. Establish a support system for addressing any queries or issues that may arise during the implementation phase.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Conduct thorough integrated solution testing to identify and rectify any potential bugs or glitches. Perform quality assurance checks to guarantee a smooth and error-free experience for both the banks and their clients.

Documentation and Compliance Verification

Prepare detailed documentation outlining the integration process, including technical specifications, compliance measures, and any other relevant information. Verify that Pixl's implementation adheres to NeSL's requirements.

Pilot Implementation

Consider a pilot implementation with a select group of banks to assess the real-world performance of the integrated e-BG solution. Gather feedback from users to make any necessary refinements before a full-scale rollout.

Continuous Monitoring and Updates

Establish a system for continuous monitoring of the integrated solution's performance. Stay informed about any updates or changes introduced by NeSL and promptly implement adjustments to Pixl's software to maintain ongoing compliance.

How Pixl E-BG Software Works with NESL

Pixl e-BG platform works with NeSL by providing a secure and efficient way for banks to issue and manage electronic bank guarantees (e-BGs). Pixl's e-BG is integrated with NeSL, the RBI's designated e-BG platform, which allows banks to easily submit and receive e-BG requests.Here is a simplified overview of how Pixl e-BG software works with NeSL for banks

Here is a simplified overview of how Pixl e-BG software works with NeSL for banks

The bank's Pixl e-BG software integrates with NeSL using an API.

The bank's customer submits an e-BG request through the bank's Pixl e-BG software.

The bank's Pixl e-BG software validates the request and submits it to NeSL for processing.

The bank's Pixl e-BG software notifies customers that the e-BG has been issued and provides them with a link to download it

NeSL generates the e-BG and sends it back to the bank's Pixl e-BG software

The customer can then share the e-BG with the beneficiary electronically.

Frequently Asked Questions

Digital BG management software is a platform that allows banks and financial institutions to manage the issuance and management of Bank Guarantees electronically. It eliminates the need for physical documentation and enables a streamlined and efficient process for BG issuance and management.

Digital BG management software works by digitizing the entire process of BG issuance and management, including application, verification, approval, issuance, and monitoring. It uses advanced security protocols to ensure that transactions are safe and secure, and it provides a range of digital steps to simplify and streamline the process.z

Using digital BG management software can provide a range of benefits, including faster and more efficient BG issuance, reduced operational costs, improved customer satisfaction, enhanced security, and easy access and management.

Yes, digital BG management software is designed with advanced security protocols to protect against fraud and unauthorized access. It uses encryption and secure data transfer methods to ensure that transactions are safe and secure.

To get started with digital BG management software, you can contact a reputable solution provider and discuss your specific needs and requirements. They will be able to provide you with a tailored solution that meets your needs and helps you streamline your BG issuance and management processes.

The eligibility for eKYC may vary depending on the services offered by the organization. Some services may require additional verification or documentation, depending on the regulatory requirements and the policies of the organization.