
NeSL DDE Solution

Get Convenient access to NeSL eSign DDE Solution

Integrate seamlessly with Pixl's NeSL esign digital document execution platform and gain instant access to NeSL services across all departments in your organization. Our plug-and-play solution makes it easy to start leveraging the power of NeSL DDE right away. Experience the benefits of streamlined, efficient workflows and superior data management.

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NeSL DDE Integration

Pixl India’s leading NeSL DDE Integration Platform


Advantage of Pixl NeSL DDE Integration Software

Customizable Branding

Ensure our client's brand is highly visible throughout the entire document process. We can even customize our interface to suit your needs.

Secure Data Management

The software ensures the secure management of sensitive data, protecting it from theft or misuse. It is compliant with data protection regulations such as GDPR and the Indian IT Act


The software is designed to handle large volumes of data, making it scalable to the needs of banks and NBFCs of all sizes.

Cost Savings

The software reduces the need for manual intervention, which can lead to cost savings for banks and NBFCs.

Automated Processing

The software ensures the secure management of sensitive data, protecting it from theft or misuse. It is compliant with data protection regulations such as GDPR and the Indian IT Act

Advantages for All Involved

The NeSL DDE platform offers convenient access to all stakeholders involved in debt management, including borrowers,lenders, guarantors, security providers, auditors, and policymakers. This central source of information streamlines the debt management process and benefits everyone involved.

Traditional vs PIXL

Bank Documentation: A Comparison

Traditional Bank Paperwork
Processing Time


taking days or weeks to complete.

Focus on Core Tasks

Consumes significant time

on manual documentation tasks.

Travel Requirements


customer or staff travel to branches.

Logistics Costs

High costs

for physical storage and transportation.

Error Checking


lead to legal and regulatory risks.

Environmental Impact

High carbon footprint

due to paper and physical processes.

Bank Documentation with Pixl

Quick processing

reducing customer waiting time.

Enables focus

on financial advice and personalized services.


the need for physical travel.

Reduces costs

for storage, transport, and printing.

Built-in systems

reduce mistakes and data loss.

Low carbon footprint

through digital and paperless processes.