Streamline Document Processing For Logistics & Shipping

    We recognize that the shipping industry is confronted with distinctive challenges in meeting regulatory standards for KYC/AML due to the intricate nature of maritime trade. Therefore, our platform has been tailored to specifically tackle these challenges and offer an efficient and effective solution for your business.

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Transform Logistics & Shipping Operations With Pixl Technology

Our digital onboarding process allows you to quickly and securely onboard new clients, ensuring that all necessary information and documentation is collected and verified in compliance with regulatory requirements. Our AML screening solution uses advanced technology to quickly identify and flag high-risk individuals or entities, allowing you to take proactive steps to mitigate risk. And our in-life monitoring solution ensures ongoing compliance with regulatory requirements by regularly screening your client base and flagging any changes or potential issues.

Use-Cases In Logistics & Shipping


Regulatory Adherence

Maintain compliance with changing regulations and international standards across multiple countries with our highly configurable solution.


Anti-fraud Measures

Prevent ID fraud in your banking systems by filtering out fraudulent activities during the customer onboarding process.


Seamless Customer Experience

Minimize customer identity verification time to decrease drop-offs during the process.


KYC/AML Compliance

Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements for any geography you expand to with our solution. Stay compliant with regulations and meet the necessary requirements for any region you operate in.


Cloud Document Storage

The enterprise stores all data on-premises and deploys all resources within its own IT infrastructure without using any third-party cloud services.

marinetime document automation

Seamless Integration

Pixl Automation can be seamlessly integrated into your existing system, allowing you to take advantage of its powerful features without disrupting your current workflows.

Enhancing Banking Efficiency with Automated ID Verification for KYC/AML


Smooth and secure customer onboarding with live video calls to KYC experts. Read More


Extract precise data from both structured and unstructured documents in seconds. Read More


Facial recognition using biometric technology can provide secure customer login. Read More
Complete KYC verification without requiring any assistance from an official. Read More
Fast, secure, and convenient tools for eSignatures that helps in streamlining workflows. Read More
Optimize files for faster upload and download speeds, as well as reduce storage requirements. Read More

Use Pixl to Expand Your Business Opportunities

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