Japanese OCR Software

Digitize your Japanese documents effortlessly with Japanese OCR software.

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optical character recognition

Explore simplified Document Processing using the Pixl Japanese OCR

Rapidly extract data from documents with superior speed and accuracy surpassing human capabilities.

Initiate automated information extraction from document batches with just one API call.

AI models can capture documents of diverse formats and designs, free from constraints on rules or templates

Swiftly make decisions with simple checks and comprehensive analytics.

Supports various file formats, including JPEG, PNG, PDF, and TIFF.

Where can this Japanese OCR software be applied?

japanese documents

Health Care

OCR plays an important role in converting patient records, medical reports, and prescriptions into digital formats.

recognize text

Finance & Banking

Automate document processing, extracting data from invoices, receipts, and checks.

ocr tool


Manage inventory, check prices, and automate purchase orders efficiently.

japanese text


Utilize OCR technology to digitize textbooks, exams, and student records.

extract text


Utilize OCR technology to digitize textbooks, exams, and student records.

japanese documents

Logistics and Supply Chain

Optimize logistics operations through automated data extraction from shipping documents, invoices, and packing slips.

ocr tool


Accelerate claims processing and policy management by extracting data from policy documents and claims forms.

japanese documents


Ensure quality control through the analysis of product labels, ensuring compliance with industry standards.

extract text


Automate reservation and check-in processes, including the interpretation of handwritten guest feedback.

optical character recognition


Capture license plate data, handle ticket processing, and oversee the management of shipping documents.

Key Features of Japanese OCR Solutions

Japanese OCR solutions offer several key features, including

japanese OCR

ひらがな カタカナ 漢字

Capability to identify all three Japanese writing systems.

Accurate recognition of complex Kanji symbols.

Advanced capabilities for recognizing various fonts.

Powerful image enhancement and pre-processing capabilities.

recognize text

OCR for Japanese Passport

OCR for Japanese passports automatically identifies and extracts essential information from passport images, converting it into a machine-readable format. It enhances computer comprehension, analysis, and data utilization, simplifying and optimizing the process. This results in improved efficiency in the computer's ability to understand and consume the information provided.

What we Extract



Date of birth


Country Code

Country Name

Passport Number

Passport type

Date of expiry


Passport data extraction by Pixl

Decrease Turnaround Time by 70%.

Guarantee precision through automated data extraction.

Contactless processing with intelligent capture API.

Retrieve passport data from varying fonts, image qualities, and resolutions.

Efficiently handle larger passport volumes with speed and ease.

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OCR for Japanese invoices

Our Japanese Invoice OCR solution excels in extracting data from invoices and receipts written in the Japanese alphabet. This advanced software employs prompt-based AI technology for robust data verification and classification. The need for specialist engineers to create rules or templates for specific supplier invoice designs is eliminated.

Key features of Japanese invoice ocr

All-in-One Solution : Our system provides a comprehensive solution for invoice processing in Japanese

Language Nuances: Tailored to handle intricacies of the Japanese language, including Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana characters.

Streamlined Processing : Ensures efficiency and precision in handling Japanese invoices.

Versatile Technology : Adaptable to diverse language requirements, making it a versatile solution.

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OCR for Cheque

Cheque OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for Japan involves the use of advanced technology to extract information from Japanese cheques efficiently. The primary goal of Cheque OCR is to automate the extraction of crucial data from Japanese cheques, reducing manual effort and enhancing accuracy. The accuracy of Cheque OCR is crucial to ensure reliable and error-free extraction of information from diverse cheque formats.

What we Extract






Bank cheque data extraction by Pixl

The input of the amount is acceptable in either digital or handwritten form.

Retrieve data in JSON, CSV, and Excel formats.

Touch-free processing utilizing a smart capture API.

Minimize the time dedicated to manual form filling and verification.

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OCR for Japanese Resume

Japanese Resume OCR's purpose is to make the hiring process efficient and smooth. By converting resumes into editable and searchable text, employers and recruitment systems can easily extract relevant details such as contact information, education, work history, skills, and more. This technology helps create an efficient and orderly system for managing large volumes of resumes, saving time and effort during the candidate selection process.

Resume data extraction & screening by Pixl

It is super accurate

80% increase in job application completion rate.

Completely automate the hiring process.

The engine can extract and categorize information from CVs based on your specifications.

Extract better-quality data from CVs and waste less time on fixing mistakes in candidate profiles.

More cheaper compared to other vendors.

It's not based on templates or specific rules tailored to each resume design.

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OCR for Japanese Insurance Card

Insurance card OCR simplifies and improves the information extraction process. It transforms insurance cards into editable and searchable text, enabling insurance providers and systems to easily access important details like policy information, coverage specifics, personal data, and more. This technology helps create an efficient system for handling a large number of insurance cards, saving time and effort in data retrieval and processing.

Fields that can be extracted

Full Name

Client number

Date of Birth

Address details

Phone number & email

Identification number

Insurance number

Card issuer

Expiration date

Profile picture

Profile picture

Document type

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Frequently Asked Questions

Pixl Japanese OCR is versatile and can be applied to various document types, including printed documents, PDFs, business cards, and more. Our OCR supports various file formats, including JPEG, PNG, PDF, and TIFF. Ensure that the OCR software you choose accommodates the specific file format of your documents.

Our Japanese OCR has applications in document digitization, data entry automation, language translation, and making scanned documents searchable.

Yes, Our OCR systems are designed to recognize a wide range of characters, including special symbols and punctuation commonly used in Japanese documents.

Yes, Japanese OCR is well-suited for large-scale document processing. Our OCR solutions offer batch processing capabilities, allowing users to process multiple documents simultaneously for improved efficiency.

Yes, Our Japanese OCR systems are designed to recognize and process vertically oriented text commonly found in traditional Japanese writing.

There are many eSign solutions available that offer easy integration with existing systems and workflows. It is important to choose a solution that meets the specific needs of your business and complies with local laws and regulations.