
Aadhaar eSign

Simplify Document Signing with Aadhaar eSign Solution

Aadhaar eSign is a government-approved service that allows you to digitally sign various types of documents, including contracts, agreements, and forms. With Aadhaar eSign, you can sign documents from the comfort of your home or office without the need for any physical paperwork.

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WHAT IS Aadhaar esign

Empower Your Workflow with Aadhaar eSign

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What are the benefits of Aadhaar eSign?


Aadhaar eSign eliminates the need for physical signatures, making it a faster and more convenient way to sign documents.Complete the process from anywhere with an internet connection.


Aadhaar eSign uses biometric authentication, such as retina and iris scans, to verify the signer's identity, making it a secure way to sign documents.

Legally Binding

Aadhaar eSignatures are legally binding under the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000, which recognizes electronic signatures as equivalent to physical signatures.

Cost Effective

Aadhaar eSign eliminates the need for paper and ink, reducing printing and courier costs, making it a cost-effective way to sign documents.

Environment Friendly

By eliminating the need for paper, Aadhaar eSign helps to reduce paper waste and promote a more sustainable environment.

Tamper Proof

Aadhaar eSign uses bank-grade encryption to make both documents and signatures tamper-proof, and they can be verified for validity at any time.


Streamline signing and approvals with Pixl's advanced eSign technology.


Frequently Asked Questions

Aadhaar eSign is a legally valid digital signature that uses a unique Aadhaar-based electronic signature service to authenticate and verify the identity of the signer.

Aadhaar eSign can be used by any individual who has an Aadhaar number and whose mobile number is registered with Aadhaar.

Aadhaar eSign can be used to sign various documents, including contracts, agreements, application forms, and other legally binding documents.

The process for using Aadhaar eSign involves the following steps:

  • The signer uploads the document to be signed.
  • The signer enters their Aadhaar number and mobile number for verification.
  • An OTP (One Time Password) is sent to the mobile number for authentication.
  • The signer enters the OTP to authenticate the transaction.
  • The digital signature is applied to the document and the signed document is returned to the signer.

The cost for using Aadhaar eSign varies depending on the service provider. Some service providers offer Aadhaar eSign for free, while others may charge a fee.

There is no limit on the number of documents that can be signed using Aadhaar eSign.

Aadhaar eSign can only be used for transactions within India.

Some benefits of using Aadhaar eSign include:

  • Faster signing process
  • Cost-effective
  • Legally valid digital signature
  • Reduces paperwork and storage costs
  • Increases security and eliminates the risk of fraud.